Friday, April 24, 2009


Wednesday (22nd April) night, i was home playing Team Arena ard 11pm+ when i feel a VERY strong wind.

Items at the corridor of my neighbour's house all toppled and shattering of glass can be heard outside my block. I told my faction mates... they say "Where got wind? Here HOT like shit?" ==|| then minutes later... they say "OH... the wind came to my place" zzz

Anyway, i saw some write up on today's newspaper on the wind. According to the news, the wind came from Sumatran, and the wind speeds ranging from 33kmh to 54kmh. The highest wind speed logged was 83kmh...STrongest in 9 years. No wonder so scary. Luckily it was midnight, if not branches or flower pots might land on your head. =P

Well.... GE had kept be busy for awhile... rushing home to do TA at 8pm...n meeting up with the guys last week during my penalty to discuss on new faction matters etc. Although some unhappy incidents aroused from some childish players... but we are supportive when it comes to matter our members or faction. For those childish players... it's about time you GROW UP!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Days Without Faction

I've made a big decision to move my members to a new faction which was formed by my old time friend Lionel. Sanctuary will not be disband.. (stop speculating...zz). I still have some friends running the faction for me. Moving on means greater challenge for most of us and the most important factor >> we just want to play this game TOGETHER. For most of the players, the game will be dead end if there's no more rooms for changed. A group of us decided to move out of Sanctuary to MonDieu.

Days without faction can be lonely but we still have each other in my group chat.... we take this one week break to level our characters, pump up family level, chipping equips, spamming abs (LOL)... etc.. In real life, myself, Lionel and Michael had been meeting up with each other almost everyday for short discussions, plannings and some brainstormings. SEriously wanted the new faction to work out something for all our friends including those long lost friends who are now in our new faction again.

For me... i'm like to take ss... so this is the ss taken during those days when i was factionless... ^^



Looking forward to joining new faction after our penalties... ^^

Monday, April 6, 2009

Movie Outing

Shinjuku Incident 3rd Apr 2009

Last week, I watchedd Shinjuku Incident at Golden Village Plaza Singapura with Rune, Den, Charles and Alvin.

Something different from the usual Jackie Chan's movie. It's rated NC16... too violent... so bloody... =P not recommended if u just had VERY FULL meal... XD overall... nice show.