Monday, December 1, 2008

December Plans

Last night, Eliza and Marvin left Sanctuary... zz... sis wanted to create her own faction. We didn't go for colony war instead we went to GOF raid. Not bad for the FIRST Sanctuary Raid.. we got a fire rifle... of cos with the help of our friends : Bernerdo, RodBer, AustinKnight, Alphamaverick. We did not go for outing last week, everyone quite busy i think.

Today... 1st day of December.. decided to do some planning... This is going to be a busy month.

Week 1 : 1-7/12/08
1. 7th - Stay over at relative's house... GAMBLE !!! >.<

Week 2 : 8-14/12/08
1. 8th - Public Holiday (Hari Raya Haji) Faction outing @ Lao Bei Jing Tiong Bahru
2. 12th-16th Leonard (Chaoswind) & his family coming to SG (Arrange to meet on 12th December)
3. ...

Week 3 : 15-21/12/08
1. To finish christmas shopping
2. ...

Week 4 : 22-28/12/08
1. 24th - Christmas celebration at relative's house (yearly event) uhmm this year got another one to attend... BBQ @ fren's house
2. 25th - Public Holiday (Christmas!!)
3. ...

Week 5 : 29/12/08 - 04/01/09
1. 30th - Company's Annual Dinner (no at Peach Blossoms
2. 1st - Public Holiday (HAPPY New Year!!)
3. 4th - Cousin's Wedding (Dinner @ Novotel - Clarke Quay)

Need to find a weekend for our faction outing to M'sia KL. Tentative attendance : Den, Eliza, Jerry and me. Will be putting up at Kelvin's or Merlin's place.

>>> To update (updated 10th December 08)

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