Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday the 13th

Morning..... woke up... didn't realized today was the 13th. Someone's wedding today. These days wedding trends.... sport car... bride's maid all white, best man black coat and tie. I stopped to look at the groom... he took pictures with PISTOL & RIFLE (ROFL... wonder izzit Serpent Revolver and Elite Black Dragon...XD)... acted like some clan. *faint*

Afternoon....lunch with my friend at Jurong Point. Meet a couple of X members for coffee at Starbucks and dinner at Ajisen.

Night ... got pissed off when doing GOF..... Underground, Nomerci, Athena and Anything members appeared at our raid... and DEACTIVATED the tower... causing the Lava Leaf to DISAPPEAR when it's almost down...zzzzzzzzzz

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