Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Malaysia Outing

Malaysia - KL Outing (1st to 4th May 2009)

Just realized our last M'sia outing is May last year (That was with HR's Faction Mates)... ROFL

1st May
Played GE in the day. Left home to airport ard 5pm, on the way meet Den at the MRT. Our flight (Tiger Airways) ETD 8.55pm. We had dinner at the Budget Terminal... the food sux =P it's really "budget" style.... We board the plane and reached KL ard 9.35pm. Calvin arrived at ard the same time. We met him at Coffee Bean and waited for Merlin and Kelvin (TheSunz) (ex-fac mates) to come and pick us. Due to some miscommunications, they were late and we reached Kel's house 12am+ after the guys ate supper near Merlin's house. Calvin and Den like long lost brothers.... they chatted WHOLE night without sleep..haha

2nd May
Kel need to go back office for a few hours. He sent us to Sunway Pyramid to shop and will pick us up to Mid Valley to meet Leonard (Chaoswind). The mall is big.... and hosting some events there. Even the stage for the event was so nice. We went to the arcade then A&W for a drink (Root Beer FLOAT!! yummy).


Event Stage

We reached Mid Valley ard 3pm+ for lunch... erm.. Hi-Tea with Leonard. After that we shop ard d Mid Valley and The Garden (new high class shopping mall). The design for The Garden's was classy. The tenants there are those renown brands like Coach etc. We met Joanne (NaughtyGirl) for dinner at Kim Gary at Mid Valley also. After dinner, we went to stay over at Merlin's house. Went online to play abit GE... haha... all hands itchy. Merlin's house was big with a big doggy also. We slept ard 12am+.

The Garden
Den, Calvin & Kelvin @ The Garden's Entrance


Dinner with Calvin, Kelvin, Joanne & Den @ Kim Gary (Mid Valley)

3rd May
Today's itinerary ... decided to go Twin Tower.. proof of going KL ... haha. We had lunch at Madam Kwan's with Merlin, Kel and his room mate Ivan (non-GE player). The chicken drumstick that Kel, Den and Ivan ordered was HUGE!!! must be from Griffon... hahahaha

KLCC (Twin Towers)
Den @ KLCC

After lunch, we went to the Aquarius at the Twin Tower. The Aquarius is similar to our Underwater World. With sharks, pre-historic fishes etc. they also some sections with spiders and lizards. Merlin went home after that and Kel brought us to KL Tower. The view was fantastic... can even see Singapore...(lol.. i'm kidding). At the KL tower, there's an Animal Farm and pony ride. We end up seeing Spiders AGAIN, and snakes...eeeeks. Kel and Cal went to snap pictures with the pony holding a Serpent Revolver...haha

The Aquarius
Golden Spider?
Pre-Historic Fish (The size of the fish can feed the whole village!! lol)
Me & Merlin
FrogFish Raider : Calvin
Sotong? & Den
Camping for Uraenus
Lazy Fish
Sucide Turtle
King Snail

View from KL Tower

Animal Farm @ KL Tower
Kelvin & the Snake.. Kelvin Feeding the Snake ... haha
Lizards again

Pony Ride @ KL Tower
The two imba musketeers

We went back Kel's house for 30mins break and go to the nearby famous cyber cafe near Taylor's University for dinner, we ate some fried mushrooms, pork ribs rice, big glass of watermelon juice then go for Colony War... we reached home 12am+

4th May
Our flight ETD 8.45am, we woke up 5am+. Journey to airport will take about an hour from Kel's house. Kel's going off to work after he alight us at airport. We ate breakfast at Marry Brown and bid farewell to Calvin (his flight at 11am - he can rot at airport..lol).

Our Flight

Views from the plane

Reached home tired... took afternoon nap and still feel tired today. =P I had a great time in KL. Special thanks to Kelvin, Merlin, Joanne and Leonard for making our stay there a memorable one. ^^

Note : some pics sent for photoshop ...lol.. to dark to see. Will upload when it's done.

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