Thursday, June 4, 2009

June !!!

JUNE is finally here ^^

i know a few June babies....
5th Belinda (my school mate)
9th Roger (relative)
10th Patrick (my ex-colleague)
12th Clement (fac mate)
14th June (my ex-colleague)
18th Danny (my fren)
20th pig (fac mate)
21st Ros (my pen pal in UK)
25th Jean (relative)
27th Me & Gerald (ex-fac mate)
28th Hong & Henry (fac mate & cousin)

lol... i rmb there's more... hee hee

This week 5-7th Jun, Kelvin and Joanne driving to SG. Programme like going shopping (GSS - Great Singapore Sale started), karaoke session, theme park, clubbing etc. Will update later.

Already got a few dinner date planned.. hmm.. there goes my diet @_@

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