Friday, June 27, 2008

My Birthday !! ^^


12.00am : Most of the online Faction Mates wishes me and Ex-members also. i was in d midst of ST Raid (bone spawn) with Gary, Aby, Erik, Tunes and the rest and pm flooded my screen. LOL

Later meeting Eliza for lunch near her work place (Raffles Place MCD - Tim's going to faint LOL).

Went home to do raids... =P

Then of cos the usual... birthday cake!!

Last but not least, something that makes my day really special...

I'll like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, especially :

1 Boss - without u then no HR

2 The Deputies (new & old) - viv, vivoko, cyctoo, Dreamfield, Xen ....for sharing some of my "duties"

3 The Ladies - Opheliia, Valkrin, Fiona, Arielite, Athel, Happy, Kevane, SQ, DH, Pyxiss (The real one) ... (who says we don't hv enough gals in HR... juz that all the gals are taken ^^)

4 The Council Members / Members - especially Tunes, Chaoswind, SultanTW, Axenstar, Rouqe, Cravius, DeAly, Granaldo, Guailan, HouseOfLou (Happy B'day to u too), IXl, Inchrist, Luthirien, Oda, Pepper, Soulfate, madjerk, Onggy, pigbully, kseksay

5 The Ex-Members - Shineforce, Spinelli, AhPow, Anakinsky, Velz, altamis, Purplestorm, Vampireking, Siao, DeusAngelus

6 The Legends - Xtrada, Yukata, Bleecker, DPS, Weng, StarInShine

7 Other Factions (Allies and "Enemies) - Alphamaverick, Novocaine, Tyrnaga, Everlasting, GoldenDino, Pallera, Menndez, Isagecomm, Remidis, Kuro, Veelox, Hinode, Leon

8 All the rest who i didn't mentioned above

Believe it or not... you stand a special place in my heart. And i really appreciate all the help and gifts (real life or in-game) that you showered me with. Life would never be the same without you.

..... opps...... dun worry, i'm not quitting... ROFL

Some SS
The Romance
The Raids
My Office ^^ (Handsome Assistant... ROFL)

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